Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Eli Whitney Regarding the Cotton Gin

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Eli Whitney Regarding the Cotton Gin

Jefferson, Thomas
Nov. 16. 1793
Eli Whitney
Whitney, Eli

Nov. 16. 1793.

Sir, —
Your favor of Oct. 15. inclosing a drawing of your cotton gin, was received on the 6th inst. The only requisite of the law now uncomplied with is the forwarding a model, which being received your patent may be made out delivered to your order immediately.

As the state of Virginia, of which I am, carries on household manufactures of cotton to a great extent, as I also do myself, and one of our great embarrassments is the clearing the cotton of the seed, I feel a considerable interest in the success of your invention, for family use. Permit me therefore to ask information from you on these points. Has the machine been thoroughly tried in the ginning of cotton, or is it as yet but a machine of theory? What quantity of cotton has it cleaned on an average of several days, worked by hand, by how many hands? What will be the cost of one of them made to be worked by hand? Favorable answers to these questions would induce me to engage one of them to be forwarded to Richmond for me. Wishing to hear from you on the subject I am c.

P.S. Is this the machine advertised the last year by Pearce at the Patterson manufactory?

Thomas Jefferson

Excerpt From The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 8.

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