Engage or die

Engage or die

I’m pretty lucky. For now, this is the view from my office window. You see all those boats? I get to look out at the water, and those boats, all the time (sun, rain, or snow). But those boats… honestly, I see most of those boats probably hundreds of days per year more than their owners do. I’d bet there’s a large number of them that haven’t moved in years. The old adage goes “The two happiest days in a…

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BMW China CEO on how quality affects sales through word of mouth

BMW China CEO on how quality affects sales through word of mouth

“One of the most important ways to sell a car in China is word of mouth. People are listening to their friends, customers want to know what are the experiences of others with a product. So they are listening carefully. If you do not deliver the highest quality all of the time, your customer satisfaction goes down. Dissatisfied customers always talk about that they are not satisfied. So immediately if you don’t deliver, it would affect sales, [and] sales would be going down.” – Karsten Engel, CEO…

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Live in the moment.

Live in the moment.

The younger you are, the more you wish you were older, so you could do the things you’re not old enough to do yet. The older you get, the more you wish you were younger, so you could do the things you’re too old to do now.

Job titles are free.

Job titles are free.

“The Sunscreen song”, which is actually named “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)”, by Baz Luhrmann, has been a (potentially odd) source of wisdom for me since it came out in 1998, just a few years after I graduated from college. I listen to the song periodically, and try to share it with my kids who, at 9 and 13, don’t yet “get” it. The words of the song aren’t those of the artist, and they aren’t Kurt Vonnegut’s either, regardless of what urban…

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Complex systems are complex (and fragile)

Complex systems are complex (and fragile)

About every two months, a colleague and I travel to various cities in the US (and sometimes abroad) to teach Microsoft customers how to license their software effectively over a rather intense two-day course. Almost none of these attendees want to game the system. Instead, most come (often repeatedly, sometimes with more people each time) to simply understand the ever-changing rules, how to apply them correctly, and how to (as I often hear it said) “do the right thing”. Doing…

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“…there is still something to be said for painting portraits of the people we have loved, for trying to express those moments that seem so inexpressibly beautiful, the ones that change us and deepen us.” Excerpt From: Lamott, Anne. “Bird by Bird.”

Measures <> data

Measures <> data

“The reason why businesses love measures is because they mistakenly believe that measures are real, hard data.” Karen Phelan, author of “I’m Sorry I Broke Your Company.”

Startups and Getting Things Done

Startups and Getting Things Done

A year or so ago, a good friend from Microsoft told me he was leaving the company, and was pondering a few ideas about what do next. His ideas had one common trait, that he wanted to improve how people got things done, a desire I’ve highlighted in some blog posts before. Working with a partner, he brainstormed a few ideas, and they focused in on the following use case: When I post a job to a job board, my…

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The end is near here!

The end is near here!

Imagine I handed you a Twinkie (or your favorite shelf-stable food item), and asked you to hold on to it for almost 13 years, and then eat it. Aw, c’mon. Why the revulsion? It’s been hard for me to watch the excited countdown to the demise of Windows XP. Though I did help ship Windows Server 2003 as well, no one product (or service) that I’ve ever worked on became so popular, for so long – by any stretch of…

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The trouble with DaaS

The trouble with DaaS

I recently read a blog post entitled DaaS is a Non-Starter, discussing how Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is, as the title says, a non-starter. I’ll have to admit, I agree. I’m a bit of a naysayer about DaaS, just as I have long been about VDI itself. In talking with a colleague the other day, as well as customers at a recent licensing boot camp, it sure seems like VDI, like “enterprise social” is a burger with a whole lot…

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