A blog post a week for a year
The other day, I pondered deleting my blog entirely. But I realized a couple of things that made me reconsider:
- Even though my day job is writing, I really do enjoy writing on my own, for fun.
- I’m not terribly artistic – so writing of any kind is more or less my creative outlet.
As my 45th birthday approaches, I find myself reflecting, and sort of missing the challenge that the Honolulu Marathon presented to me – it was a driving force in my life for well over a year as I prepared for it and participated in it. Even 8 months later, I still look back fondly on the accomplishment of finishing it. (That’s me below – I’m the one in the middle, between this amazing guy on my left, and the guy on my right in awe of him.)

I don’t think writing 52 blog posts can really compare, but as a means to do something creative beyond my day to day work, I’m planning to start writing (at least) one blog post per week for the year, starting next week.
As always, if you have feedback on this or any post of mine, you can find me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/getwired.