Windows Store: Wednesday Number Time
Apologies for the brevity of today’s post – didn’t time my travel to Chicago well.
This week has been a rather slow week, as I think next week may be as well. I’m anticipating things really picking up as we go in to the week of 10/22 and on after the launch of Windows 8 and Windows RT. There should be well over 5,000 apps on launch day – perhaps more – depends on the bumps on the way.
For now, here’s where we are.
Globally, the store was at 4,326 Windows Store apps when I ran inventory last night, of which 3,783 were free.
Most days only added 100 or less apps, with one exceptional day that added 351 apps. Here’s what the chart of all apps looks like currently:
The percentage of free apps has been holding steady at 87-88%, globally:
As of last night, there were 2,854 total apps available in the US English Windows Store.
The category breakdown in terms of apps is holding relatively close, though the total percentage of the store that is comprised of games appears to be down (18%, was 20%), which frankly I’d like to see continue. We need some strong productivity apps in the store. While I’ve seen a few good mind mapping tools, more is needed, so I hope to see apps in the productivity category in particular grow between here and launch.